Hector was adopted from Clay County Animal Care and Control (CCAC) back in 2010 by Ashley and Tyler K. Tyler didn’t grew up with dogs, but when he saw a Pug at a local arts market, he fell in love with the breed. Hey! Don’t hold Tyler’s lack of dog experience against him. […]
Read MoreHeartwarming Stories Behind Our Photographs
One of the most gratifying parts of our business is having the privilege to hear people’s stories.
Because behind each pet is a story. A story of love, loss, or triumph.
And our goal is to celebrate that story in photos you can cherish forever.
We want to spread the love, so on this page we have recorded many of the beautiful, heartwarming stories behind our photos.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Snuggle Delivery and My History with Animal Shelters
It was early in 2015 when I knew I had a great idea. I was working for a local animal shelter in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where I managed the photography program, social media pages and website. It wasn’t out of the norm for me to research other animal shelter social media […]
Read MoreWhat You Don’t Know About The Humane Society of Tampa Bay
I’m excited to share that I have started volunteering at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay to take photos of their adoptable animals. As you may already know, I got my start at the Humane Society of Broward County, which is where I first learned how to take picture of animals. […]
Read MoreLucy Proves Alabama Has More Than Just Football and Sweet Homes
Lucy’s Adoption Story Lucy, originally was rescued with her brother when they were 7 weeks old through Florida All Retriever Rescue (FARR). They were found in Alabama and were flown into Davis Island Airport where her foster Mom Stephanie picked them up. Lucy had some sort of bacterial infection, which resulted in […]
Read MoreBisbee, Rescued from Dogma Pet Rescue, Looooves His Peanut Butter
Bisbee, formally known as The Archduke of Chugglesworth, was adopted by Dogma Pet Rescue located in Riverview, Florida. Bisbee had never had peanut butter prior to his photo shoot, but it’s my guess that it will make this week’s grocery list. Dogma Pet Rescue is an all-volunteer, all-pet rescue with an emphasis on rescuing […]
Read MoreCutie, One Families’ Trash, Another Families’ Treasure
Cutie’s Rescue Story Cutie wasn’t originally destined to be someone’s family pet. Can you imagine? Her and her sister were found next to a dumpster while, their human dad, Steve was living in Israel. Cutie and her sister were just a month old at the time and Steve didn’t think […]
Read MoreDon, a stray dog from Israel, will steal your heart
You wouldn’t know it by looking at him, but Don speaks multiple languages. Not only does Don understand English, but he also understands Hebrew! You see, Don wasn’t born here in the US. He was adopted by my friends Alon and Ilona in Israel. Don’s Adoption Story Don was adopted […]
Read MoreWalk Your Dog and Support Your Favorite Animal Organization with WoofTrax
Giving back is as easy as a walk in the park! Whether you are walking your dog, or in my case, if your dog is walking you (I’m looking at you Rigby!), you can support an animal welfare organization just by striding around town with your pup. Walk for a Dog […]
Read More10 Tips for Taking Pictures of Your Dog With a Cell Phone Camera
According to the ASPCA, 7.6 Million companion animals enter shelters every year. Of those 13,000, some are put into foster programs, which are aimed at helping animals, who wouldn’t do well in a shelter atmosphere, find their forever home. When I worked for a local animal shelter, our foster program […]
Read MoreA Surprising Twist to an Already Amazing Story
The above picture is a picture of Sarah with Ruthie. Her name was Lady back then. I couldn’t believe it How many times can you say that an email made you shed a tear? Well, that happened to me this morning. Last week I shared photos of Ruthie, her adoption story […]
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