Post Tagged with: "Pit Bill Picture Project"

Rocco, a Pit Bull with Personality, is Helping Rally Against Breed Specific Legislation

[content bg_location=”browser” bg_color=”#f5f5f5″ bg_image=”” inner=”200″ “] [mask bg_color=”#000000″ bg_opacity=”15″ inner=”250”] [/mask] [/content] Pit Bulls Don’t Deserve their Negative Stereotypes PFPB is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization whose mission is to educate people about the history, temperament, and plight of the pit bull-type dog; raising awareness to rally against Breed Specific Legislation […]

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25 Adoptable Pit Bulls in West Palm Beach

I spent the afternoon at Peggy Adam’s Animal Rescue League in West Palm Beach taking photos of Pit Bulls. My contact asked if I could help promote some of their long term residents and a few dogs who are sponsored by Dolly’s Dream. Dolly’s Dream is a project to encourage […]

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Pit Bull Picture Project Update | January 2017

In August of 2016, I started the Pit Bull Picture Project because I’ve seen first hand how sweet they are, but get upset when they are given a bad reputation, especially in the media. I wanted to help the one way I knew how, through photography. In the short amount […]

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