Sheila the Bulldog was situated in the back of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay.

She made our Second Shot Adoption Photo list for that day because her intake photo wasn’t doing her any justice.

As one of the shelter volunteers was taking her out of her kennel, to come to the photo room, a family who was just “looking and saying hi” was outside her kennel.

When they asked where she was going, our volunteer said she was headed to have her Second Shot photo taken!

This family waited for her to come back to her kennel, about 10 minutes later, and Sheila saw them and rushed towards them and sat on their feet. It was meant to be!

They didn’t intend to adopt that day, but because she left her kennel for her photo shoot, Sheila found her family and got her Second Shot!

Sheila’s new family also has experience with bulldogs and their various medical issues.

Although our photo of Sheila didn’t lead to her adoption directly, her being taken from her kennel, for the photo shoot, did create a serendipitous interaction and adoption! Yay! 🎉

Second Shot is our adoption photo program with FairyTail Pet Care. We give shelter pets like Sheila a second photo and a Second Shot at Adoption.

We need your help!

Every Second Shot Photo Shoot Costs us $1250 to facilitate.

We have been lucky to find business sponsors to help us keep Second Shot going through the first week of August, but after that, we’ll have to only go once a month vs once a week.

We have individual supporters that contribute $5 or $10 a month. We’re currently at $111/month and we’d LOVE to set our next goal at $200/month.

We also want to help more and more organizations. Animal shelter intake is high and adoptions are low.

If you want to help shelter and rescue pets like Sheila get a Second Shot, please contribute to our Patreon. You can for as little as $5/month.

If you can’t contribute, no problem. Sharing our posts on social media helps a lot too!

You can contribute to our Patreon

Sheila’s Intake Photo

Sheila’s Second Shot

Sheila at Her New Home