Prior to working at Humane Society of Broward County, I worked for an apartment management company in South Florida. We used to commission local artists to decorate the walls of newly constructed apartment buildings, which is how I came up the idea for Mailroom Gallery for Charity.

I was using my apartment as a studio and hanging photos to show clients the types of poses they could expect. I went downstairs to check the mail and saw empty walls and a light bulb went off. Why not take photos of pets who live in the building and position it as a fundraiser to hang their photos on those blank walls? I’m also a huge Seinfeld fan and I was inspired by the episode where Kramer hangs photos of residents in the building to make it a friendlier place to live. This didn’t backfire though like it did for Jerry.

Millennium Westshore, one of the pet friendliest communities in Tampa, reached out after seeing the initial gallery and wanted to participate.  A year and 3 separate photo sessions later, we have 19 photos of pets who live in the building hanging in the mail room with a 4th session planned for September, 2017. The gallery has raised over $1,000 for Humane Society Tampa Bay.

Live at Millennium Westshore?

If you live at Millennium Westshore, you can save $15 by signing up by July 31st. Our next photo session is on September 24th. Checking the mail nowadays is full of bills and unwanted coupons, but having photos of pets on the walls makes it a little more tolerable. You also get to take the framed photo with you when you move.